What is Reiki
What is Reiki
Reiki (pronounced “Ray-key) is a Japanese Healing technique that works with the 7 major energy centers (chakras) of the body to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit by assisting the person in achieving a state of homeostasis that allows for optimal healing to take place. The word Reiki is Japanese and means, Universal Life Energy. The Reiki energy is Divinely guided energy with a consciousness of its own; ALWAYS going where it is needed most, regardless of where “we” think it needs to go.
Reiki is NOT massage, a tool for diagnosing, or a form of hypnosis. It is a method of addressing health issues on physical, mental/emotional and spiritual levels simultaneously. It can be used to address acute and chronic conditions of a physical or emotional nature, addictions, traumas and habits. It is both gentle and powerful in nature and its effects are cumulative.
What a Reiki Session is like
The client stays fully clothed and may be either positioned on a massage table, facing up and propped with pillows as needed or seated in a zero gravity chair (reclining chair). Reiki can be done anywhere at anytime. All that is needed is the practitioner’s hands and permission from the client (or family member if the client is a minor). The practitioner uses little pressure, if any, as they place their hands on (or off) the body in specific hand placements, usually starting at the head and finishing at the feet. The purpose of the hand positions is to address the 7 major energy centers (chakras).
Many traditional Reiki practitioners work with this format only, others work in an intuitive way listening to what the body is telling them is needed and where, using the hand positions as a guide. It is important to ask your practitioner how they practice and discuss any concerns or requirements you have such as specific places you want treated, or specific areas that you want avoided.
Most people experience deep levels of relaxation, tingling, pulsing sensations, and calm nurturing warmth and even fall asleep. It is possible to have emotional releases or reactions during sessions but is important to understand that healing will take place according to what you need. Communicating with your practitioner is important. Effects of Reiki are often subtle but can also be quite profound. Side effects from medication or treatments may be curbed or eliminated. Insomnia is often alleviated. You may also experience reduction in pain level, increased appetite, blood levels returning to normal ranges, symptoms of depression eased and healing from injuries and surgeries expedited.
There are no Contraindications to Reiki
It is important to note that Reiki in no way interferes with other healing modalities and applications. It can be done through bandaging, casts, in hospital beds, or wheelchairs, before, during or after surgery, with the client awake, asleep or even in a coma, present or at a distance.
Reiki is becoming more accepted and available in healthcare settings. It is important that Reiki to be viewed as inclusive to the treatment for the entire well being of the patient, (i.e. physically, emotionally and spiritually), working hand in hand with the medical staff and supported in the client’s treatment plan.
Reiki is gentle enough to be used for pregnant women easing the discomforts of pregnancies and childbirth, and is very helpful for easing the stress of partners! You now are able to find Reiki being used on medical and surgical floors, oncology suites, nursing homes and many other medical venues including Hospice.
What can Reiki do for you
Reiki can reduce stress, alleviate pain and muscle tension, promote healthier sleep patterns, increase or decrease appetite, improve the circulatory systems and provide support to strengthen the immune system which creates overall improvement of health.
You will discover that Reiki is not only helpful in its ability to assist physical, mental/emotional and spiritual healing, but its real beauty is in its simplicity. Nothing is being “asked of you”…The power in allowing yourself to just let go and enjoy a sense of being nurtured, cared for and held in healing space is one of Reiki’s greatest benefits.
“Reiki is done with you not to you.”
Reiki Research
You may be interested in reading some of the research on Reiki and its benefits and impact.
- General information about Reiki
- Reiki in Hospitals
- Center for Reiki Research